Liechtenstein is a broadly diversified industrial country with enormous innovative power. Almost half of the gross domestic product is generated by industry. Liechtenstein is also a hot spot of innovation. Measured as share of the gross domestic product, no country in the world invests more in research and development than Liechtenstein. With around 4,500 registered companies per 38500 inhabitants, Liechtenstein can be described as a country of entrepreneurs: The two market accesses to the EU/EEA and Switzerland and the moderate corporate taxation make Liechtenstein very attractive for companies from all sectors. In the areas of blockchain, fintech and token economy, Liechtenstein is an innovative pioneer introducing the „Blockchain Act“ in 2020 as the world’s first law to regulate the use of blockchain technology. Especially for innovative business models, Liechtenstein has the unique legal form LVC (Liechtenstein Venture Cooperative), where an innovator can put his/her idea into its own legal form early on and thus collaborate more easily with partners and investors – all with minimal bureaucratic and financial effort. Liechtenstein is a great place for start-up companies, the establishment of new R&D collaborations, new interfaces from idea to development to distribution and marketing, and finally access to investors and opportunities for growth financing. Therefore, we chose Liechtenstein as one of the most innovative business locations for entrepreneurs.

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